Is it ok to use de-icing salts on my pavers during the winter?

Yes, moderate amounts of de-icing salts can be used on your Shaw Brick pavers.

Why should I choose concrete pavers over asphalt?

Concrete pavers are more durable than asphalt. Pavers are also easy to fix. If damage was to occur to your installation or if you needed underground access you would be able to lift small sections of pavers and then replace them – not something you can do with asphalt.

Can I use crusher dust for my compacted base under my paver or patio stone project?

No, crusher dust will settle over time – even after compaction. Your base should consist of 6 – 8 inches of Class ‘A’ gravel compacted in 2-inch layers with a plate compactor. Class ‘A’ gravel is defined as a mixture of aggregates 3/4 inch and small in size. This gravel may also be referred to as gravel with ‘fines’ (small sand-like material).

What is efflorescence?

Efflorescence is a whitish powder-like deposit that sometimes appears on concrete products. The deposit is the residue of a soluble salt carried to the face of the product by moisture and left on the surface as dry powder following evaporation of the moisture. Efflorescence in and of itself in no way affects structural integrity. It will usually wash and wear off in the course of time. The recommended procedure is to allow this natural process to take place. No responsibility can be accepted by the product manufacturer for efflorescence, since any normal concrete contains calcium hydroxide, which forms inevitably when cement and/or lime and water are mixed together.

Should I seal my pavers?

Shaw Brick pavers are incredibly durable. While a sealant will provide extra protection against stains, it will not increase the durability of your pavers. Using a sealant may also enhance or change the colour or finish of your Shaw Brick pavers. For more information view the sealer options that we have available.

What type of gravel should I use behind my retaining walls?

We recommend the use of clear stone behind retaining walls. Clear stone is typically defined as 3/4 inch size stone with no small aggregates present. In other words, the stone is ‘clear’ of small particles. This type of aggregate will allow water to flow freely to the bottom of the wall and be removed by the drainage pipes.

What are ‘modular’ pavers?

Modular pavers are a group of pavers of various sizes, typically squares or rectangles, with dimensions that are common denominators of each other. The different sizes can be arranged into a random pattern. For example, our BarringtonStone pavers are considered modular with dimension that are all divisible by three.